Supporting students
in their claim
We created three brand directions for the client to review and develop the chosen concept to completion.

Claims website with targeted branded content
Digital and Print Campaigns
Students have been let down by their universities. They paid full fees for a university experience that they were not sold and The Student Group claim website is an opportunity for them to take a stand and get compensation.
We were briefed by the two law firms leading the claim to create a brand and website which would engage with the target market and allow flexibility when promoting the claim.
We created three brand directions for the client to review and develop the chosen concept to completion.
Bunker were great to deal with and produced a beautiful site which we were really excited to publish. Their work was both technically flawless and creative, and all of it was produced on time and on budget.
Shimon Goldwater | Partner – Asserson
Engaging with students and getting the right balance
We used lots of different cues to engage with students and promote the potential success of their claim.
With 100’s of sign-ups and rising daily, the claim is about providing justice for the students and our role was to ensure we did the brand justice so the marketing team had the right tool kit to reach their audience.